How You Can Get Involved

The Claremont Wildlands Conservancy has embarked on a campaign to save from development all hillside land in Claremont. This is a monumental effort in which more will be asked of our community for hillside preservation than ever before.

We need your support! In addition to your cash donation, we need your time and talent.
Here are 10 ways that you can help:

Take your family and friends for a walk in the city's Wilderness Park.
Tell your friends and neighbors about the Wilderness Park.
Allow us to list your name as a campaign supporter.
Attend important City Council meetings to demonstrate your support.
Write letters to the local newspapers showing your support.

Volunteer your time and your expertise.
Invite a CWC speaker to present to your neighborhood group.
Encourage your organization to endorse our campaign.
Subscribe to our mailing list so that we can keep you informed.
Check this website often for the latest information.

How to get started? Join our campaign by filling out our Volunteer Form.